Delivery time depends on the products you order. By producing mainly locally, we can deliver quickly. Delivery times vary between 2 to 12 weeks. The average delivery time per product can be found on the product pages. Questions? Your Brand Ambassador is ready to help you.
Sure! Request a quote and indicate in the quote form that you would like to receive samples!
Yes! We work together with the largest catering wholesalers in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Yes, we recently started delivering to Belgium.
To guard the quality of our product, it is not possible to have your own purchased products printed with us. Click here to view the range and printing options.
We get things done! When you order your products from us, we do everything possible to deliver the products to you in good condition. Please contact your personal brand ambassador if you are not satisfied, they will work with you to find an appropriate solution!
Yes. Because we have our own warehouse, we can store your products by arrangement. You can then easily order your products from us on demand. The cost per pallet space is €30.00 per month.
You can print your logo or designs on such items as; Napkins, Greaseproof paper, packaging (Pizza boxes, burger boxes etc.), Refreshing wipes, Glassware, Cardboard cups, Paper bags, Paper purses, Beer mats, Cutlery bags and Merchandise. See all the information about what we can do for you here!
Yes! You indicate your wishes to your brand ambassador, our designers design your logo and brand identity on your chosen products. Only when you are satisfied will the products be ordered.